曰:”賜也亦有惡乎?” ”惡徼以為知者,惡不孫以為勇者,惡訐以為直者。”

(西元前521 - 481)
主頁 > 學院動態 > 院務活動 > 香港六宗教領袖就新型冠狀病毒疫情的聯合呼籲


1. 各宗教信眾同心祝禱,祈盼疫情盡快平息,感染人士早日康復;
2. 為醫護人員及參與援助病人的人員和義工祈禱,並感謝他們抗疫的辛勞;
3. 為在抗疫中辛勞的醫護人員、清潔工人、醫療用品從業員、服務業員工等,向他們致以關懷與祝福;
4. 請大眾關心受感染的病人及其家屬,並關心長者及基層人士,協助他們防疫;
5. 全港市民及各界專業人士齊心合力,共同抗疫。

香港佛教聯合會會長    寬運法師
天主教香港教區宗座署理  湯漢樞機
孔教學院院長       湯恩佳博士
中華回教博愛社主席    薩智生先生
香港基督教協進會主席   蘇成溢牧師
香港道教聯合會主席    梁德華道長  聯啟


Appeal from the Colloquium of Six Religious Leaders of Hong Kong
regarding the outbreak of novel coronavirus
Since the outbreak of novel coronavirus in Wuhan, it has spread to all provinces in the Mainland, Hong Kong, Macau, Taiwan, and in other countries. At the time of the epidemic, the Colloquium of Six Religious Leaders of Hong Kong made the following appeals with benevolence and concern:

1. Religious believers pray with hope that the epidemic will be brought under control and the infected people will recover soon,
Pray and express gratitude for clinical staff as well as people and volunteers assisting in patient care for their dedication to fight against the epidemic,
2. Dedicate care and blessings to medical staff, cleaners, staff for providing medical supplies or service to the public for their efforts in combating the epidemic,
3. General public can convey solicitude to infected patients and their families, and provide assistance to the elderly and grassroots in the community to prevent the epidemic,
4. Citizens and professionals from all walks of life let’s work together to fight against the epidemic.
5. In the heart of benevolence, the Colloquium of Six Religious Leaders are willing to send representatives to mediate and resolve the crisis if necessary.

The Colloquium of Six Religious Leaders of Hong Kong
The Most Ven. Kuan Yun, President, The Hong Kong Buddhist Association
John Cardinal Tong Hon, Apostolic Administrator, Catholic Diocese of Hong Kong
Dr. Tong Yun Kai, President, The Confucian Academy
Mr. Sat Che Sang, Ibrahim, Chairman, The Chinese Muslim Cultural and Fraternal Association
Rev. Dr. So Shing Yit, Eric, Chairperson, Hong Kong Christian Council
Mr. Leung Tak Wah, Chairman, The Hong Kong Taoist Association

31 January 2020