
(西元前515 -?)
主頁 > 學院動態 > 院務活動 > 因應近日發生「反修例」示威行動越趨暴力,香港六宗教領袖謹此再次發出呼籲:


1. 暴力不能解決問題,只會令暴力不斷升級,使自己及他人受到傷害。任何人不應鼓吹以暴力及破壞行為爭取訴求,警方執法時亦應依法及克制,各方應避免更多人受傷害。
2. 香港人向來以和平共融為核心價值。近日的暴力事件,正與我們的價值觀背道而馳,期盼大眾以善克服仇恨,仁者愛人,以和為貴,讓香港重回和平的軌道。
3. 政府應該積極考慮不同的方法紓解民怨,以求盡快平息社會動亂。
4. 此時此刻,香港人要團結,向暴力說「不」,一同攜手維護香港人的福祉。

香港佛教聯合會會長    寬運法師
天主教香港教區宗座署理  湯漢樞機
孔教學院院長       湯恩佳博士
中華回教博愛社主席    薩智生先生
香港基督教協進會主席   蘇成溢牧師
香港道教聯合會主席    梁德華道長  聯啟


Appeal from the Colloquium of Six Religious Leaders of Hong Kong

In response to the escalation of violence during the recent Anti-Extradition Law Amendment Bill protest, we, the Colloquium of Six Religious Leaders of Hong Kong, hereby once again make an appeal.

Violence is not the means to solve problem, it will only trigger more violence and injuries of oneself and others. No one should preach violence and sabotage to fight for demands. Police force should exercise force legally and keep restraint. All parties should ensure that no further harm will be made to people.
Peace and harmony are always the core values of Hong Kong society. The recent violent incidents are contradicting to the values. We hope that the people of Hong Kong will overcome hatred with kindness and respect, and bring Hong Kong back on track of peace and stability.
The government should actively consider solutions to relieve public grievances in order to calm the society as soon as possible.
At this very critical point, the people of Hong Kong must unite and say "no" to violence. The future and well-being for us are all in our hands to treasure and safeguard.
The Colloquium of Six Religious Leaders of Hong Kong
The Most Ven. Kuan Yun, President, The Hong Kong Buddhist Association
John Cardinal Tong Hon, Apostolic Administrator, Catholic Diocese of Hong Kong
Dr. Tong Yun Kai, President, The Confucian Academy
Mr. Sat Che Sang, Ibrahim, Chairman, The Chinese Muslim Cultural and Fraternal Association
Rev. Dr. So Shing Yit, Eric, Chairperson, Hong Kong Christian Council
Mr. Leung Tak Wah, Chairman, The Hong Kong Taoist Association

13 November 2019